
Kelley Crafts has a commitment to use 100% Arizona harvested woods from trees that have naturally fallen or removed for purposes other than logging. Arizona may not have large trees like the rest of the country, but what we have is beyond amazing. The wood found in Arizona is very unique and in many cases aren't found outside the Southwest. 

We mill the majority of our own wood for our projects and dry it on site. For larger furniture pieces we do reach out to a friend of ours at Sonora Woodworks who runs a much larger milling operation, acquiring the wood from felled trees, construction or railroad sites that have had to have trees removed. 

We are a husband and wife team that work with the left side of our brains day in and day out and need to create something with the right side of our brains. We are boutique creators specializing in wood art, household goods, woodworking tools, and supplies for the DIYers out there. We are definitely different than most teams because we work our daily jobs together and this as well. The truth of the matter is we are amazing friends and partners in life and business. 

Dave is the one responsible for the larger woodworking projects and woodworking tools.  He thought he would be in charge of the casts, but Sara loves coming up with new color combinations just as much, so it is a team effort. The creative outlet and passion for woodworking is the key piece to producing high quality items at a reasonable price.

Sara also scours the shop floor for cutoffs and smaller pieces to produce unique jewelry made from some of the most beautiful woods on earth.